How to Successfully Propagate Yarrow: A Complete Guide

propagate yarrow, yarrow variety, yarrow propagation methods, dividing yarrow plants, rooting yarrow cuttings


If you're a fan of beautiful and hardy perennials, yarrow is a must-have in your garden. This versatile plant not only adds a pop of color to your landscape but also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. One of the best things about yarrow is how easy it is to propagate, allowing you to expand your yarrow plant collection without breaking the bank. In this article, we'll dive into the best practices for successfully propagating yarrow.

Choosing the Right Yarrow Variety

Before you start propagating yarrow, it's essential to choose the right variety for your garden. Yarrow comes in a wide range of colors, from bright yellow to soft pink, so pick the one that complements your existing plants. Additionally, consider the height and spread of the yarrow variety as some can grow quite tall and may not be suitable for smaller gardens.

Propagation Methods

There are several methods you can use to propagate yarrow, including division, cuttings, and seed sowing. Division is the most common and easiest method, as it involves splitting an established yarrow plant into smaller sections and replanting them. Cuttings involve taking stem cuttings from a healthy yarrow plant and rooting them in soil or water. Seed sowing is another option but can take longer to see results.

Dividing Yarrow Plants

To divide yarrow plants, choose a healthy and established plant in the spring or fall when it's not actively growing. Dig up the plant and gently separate the roots into sections, making sure each section has both roots and shoots. Replant the divided sections in your desired location, making sure to water them well to encourage new growth.

Rooting Yarrow Cuttings

If you prefer to propagate yarrow through cuttings, choose a mature and healthy plant and take a 3-4 inch cutting from the stem. Remove the lower leaves and place the cutting in a container with water or well-draining soil. Keep the cutting in a warm and bright location, misting it occasionally to keep it moist. Once roots develop, you can transplant the cutting into your garden.

Caring for Propagated Yarrow

After successfully propagating yarrow, it's essential to care for the new plants to ensure their health and vigor. Yarrow prefers full sun and well-drained soil, so make sure to plant them in a sunny spot with good drainage. Water the newly propagated plants regularly, especially during hot and dry periods, and fertilize them with a balanced fertilizer to promote blooming.


With the right knowledge and techniques, propagating yarrow can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you choose to divide existing plants or root cuttings, you'll soon have a thriving yarrow garden that will attract pollinators and brighten up your landscape. Follow the tips outlined in this article, and soon you'll be a yarrow propagation pro!


Propagate Yarrow, Rooting Techniques, Water Propagation, Perennial Plants, Garden Propagation

How to Propagate Yarrow in Water: Rooting Techniques

Discover the simple yet rewarding method of propagating yarrow in water using root techniques. Select a healthy plant, prepare cuttings, root them in water, monitor progress, and transfer to soil once roots are established. Expand your garden with vibrant perennial yarrow plants using these step-by-step instructions.