Top Perennial Flowers to Attract Butterflies to Butterfly Bushes

Perennial Flowers, Butterfly Bushes, Attract Butterflies, Butterfly Habitat, Nectar-rich Plants


Perennial flowers play a crucial role in attracting butterflies to your garden, especially when planted near butterfly bushes. These beautiful blooms not only add color and beauty to your outdoor space but also serve as a vital food source for butterfly caterpillars.

Nectar-rich Plants

When selecting perennial flowers to plant near your butterfly bushes, opt for nectar-rich plants that will attract adult butterflies. Some excellent choices include milkweed, coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, and bee balm. These flowers provide valuable nourishment for butterflies and help sustain their populations.

Host Plants

In addition to nectar-rich plants, it's essential to include host plants in your garden to support butterfly caterpillars. Host plants are where butterflies lay their eggs, and the resulting caterpillars feed and grow. Some popular host plants for butterflies include milkweed, parsley, fennel, and dill.

Butterfly Bushes

Butterfly bushes are renowned for their ability to attract butterflies with their sweet-smelling flowers. By planting perennial flowers that complement butterfly bushes, you can create a vibrant and thriving butterfly habitat in your garden. Consider planting perennials like asters, daylilies, and phlox near your butterfly bushes to provide a diverse range of food sources for butterflies.

Creating a Butterfly Haven

To create a truly welcoming environment for butterflies in your garden, plant a variety of perennial flowers that bloom at different times of the year. This will ensure a constant source of food for adult butterflies and their caterpillars throughout the growing season. Additionally, avoid using pesticides in your garden, as they can harm butterflies and other beneficial insects.


By incorporating a diverse selection of perennial flowers in your garden, you can create a beautiful and inviting space for butterflies to thrive. From nectar-rich plants to host plants for caterpillars, each flower plays a vital role in sustaining butterfly populations. So, roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and start planting a garden that will delight both you and the butterflies that visit.


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